Верифікований канал головних новин про Україну, війну та українців The verified channel of the main news about Ukraine, the war and Ukrainians З питань реклами: t.me/AR_partnership З інших питань: press@kraiina.info
Автор Telegram каналу служить майором ЗСУ. Це його авторський погляд на події в Україні та світі. Аналітика, новини, свідчення, відеодокументи про військові злочини Росії. Визнаний “іноземним агентом” Мін’юсту РФ 28 жовтня 2022. Чесно кажучи, фіолетово
The official Washington Post channel, sharing live news coverage of Russia’s war in Ukraine. You can find our full coverage at https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/ukraine-russia/. The Post’s coverage is free to access in Ukraine and Russia.
This channel will cover the journalistic activities of Independent Journalist Patrick Lancaster currently Reporting In the Donetsk People's Republic covering the Ukraine War in the English language
War Leaks 18+ is a collective effort group who's goal is to keep all informed and up to date of the latest news in Ukraine in a collaborative effort as we and those within the group share sources of information. Chat: https://t.me/warleaks1
Видео с войны, жесть, военные статьи, фото. Всё в нашем телеграмм канале Строго +18! ПО ВСЕМ ВОПРОСАМ - @uwadmin Ссылка для друзей - https://t.me/+pvEDUEUcc104OGFi Не пропагандируем войну! Осуждаем насилие, все материалы публикуются в ознакомительных
Official Telegram channel of NOELREPORTS. A digital media platform covering global conflict zones. Focus on Russian-Ukraine war Patreon: patreon.com/NOELreports Twitter: twitter.com/NOELREPORTS
First Postironic War Chronicles /uhg/ Stickers: t.me/ukr_pics/438 Chat: t.me/ukr_pics/249 Contact: @UkrPics_bot Borger: patreon.com/ukr_pics Porn in comments = ban
The international press center reports on war crimes committed by Russia towards Ukraine. Videos from the conflict zone, photos from the battlefield and real information from Ukraine - we're telling the truth about the war in Ukraine. #StopRussia
Sky Over Ukraine is a Ukrainian news agency comprising a website and pages in social networks and publishing news, articles and other materials all over the Russian war in Ukraine. Ads - @TheWishmaster123
This channel published witnesses' evidence of crimes by Ukrainian neo-nazis and their accomplices that occur in Donbass collected by Maxim Grigoryev, chairman of the International Public Tribunal for Ukraine, as well as other news.
(18+ only) 🔞 This page is sharing war crimes and other misadventures from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Viewer discretion is advised. Educational, journalistic and history purposes. A T.me/UkraineWarPosts project
• FireFight Mod Ukraine War by FLEXXY (chat) • Техническая поддержка @reverse_help_bot • По рекламе @manager_flexxy • Наш дискорд сервер - https://discord.com/invite/SCxCQdPxkY • Поддержать донатом - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/flexxy_firefight